Thank you for visiting my Consulting page!
I come to you straight off the front lines as one of my industries top producers for over 20 years. And
unlike many “trainers/consultants” I’ve walked the talk, and I can still walk the talk!
My experience includes holding virtually every position on the “Sales” corporate ladder from front line
rep, to Executive Director. But I’ve always been drawn to sales leadership roles, building and leading
teams. And I’ve loved every minute of it. Hiring, training and developing someone into a highly
successful sales pro is about as rewarding for me as it gets.
One key difference about my leadership roles though, is that I always insisted on carrying my own
production quota. I wanted my reps to see me producing right alongside them, not sitting behind a desk
all day looking at their CRM reports. That said, they always came first. Training, running calls with them,
helping them overcome objections, and closing business was always first on my list.
I have built, regional and national sales programs from the ground up, as well as taken mature program
to the next level. I have experience with virtually every aspect of building and running a sales programs
and I can put this experience to work for you.
In launching Keys2selling, my full-time dedication is now to give back to the industry that has treated me
so well. Certified in numerous selling methodologies I offer an array of unique services, all of which
share a singular focus, to grow sales and profitability.
I’m available for
On-site sales training, sales program audits, executive consulting
Remote coaching, training and mentoring for sales managers and reps
Strategic planning, compensation analysis, hiring strategies
Sales Excellence Summits held nationwide
Public speaking
Workshop facilitation
In short, if it has anything to do with growing your sales and profits, I’m your guy!
See what the “King of Sales” Jeffrey Gitomer has to say